Increase your self-belief with positive affirmations

Positive affirmations, to increase your self-belief, can help in ways that you may not realize at first.

It might seem silly to you right now to repeat things to yourself that you don’t believe at all. But, studies have shown that positive affirmations do help people feel better and more positive, and helps them believe in themselves more.

Take these ideas, print them out, and cut them into strips with one affirmation on each strip. If you don’t have a printer, cut the paper into eight strips and write one affirmation on each strip of paper.

Whenever you feel badly about yourself, or a little bit down, take them out and read them to yourself out loud!


Eight Positive Affirmations to Increase Your Self-Belief

1. Name One Thing You Succeed At – So for example, if you got out of bed today, that might be an achievement for you. If you graduated school, or got a good job, or are a good mom, write that down. If you feel good about it and it feels like an achievement, write it down.

2. Tell Yourself You’re a Good Person – Whatever that means to you, being a good person is important. It’s important to tell yourself that you’re a good person every single day. Write down “I am a good person” on one slip of paper.

3. What Do You Want to Be Good At? – There is probably something you really want to do well, maybe more than one. You can always write down more than one. For example, if you want to lose weight and get healthy, write down, “I am healthy and eat right.”

4. Want to Be More Focused? – Write down the words, “I am focused on the important things in my life.” Put that slip of paper in there and as you do, say this to yourself now. It’s super-important to know that you can and do focus more on what’s important than what’s not.

5. Do You Dislike Your Looks? – Even if you dislike your looks, there is likely one thing you do like about them. Write that down. “I look smart and professional today” might be more important to you than “I look sexy today” or “I look beautiful today”. Nothing is right or wrong here, but write down something positive about your looks as if it is true (if you want it to be true).

6. How Do Others See You? – Write down something positive about what others observe about you. You may need to ask some friends about that. Ask them to tell you one positive trait that you possess. Write that down on a slip of paper. Perhaps it’s your kindness, or your success, or your parenting skills, or something else. Your friends may surprise you with what they come up with.

7. Self-Belief – Even if you do not currently believe in yourself that much, stating that you do is a good way to ensure that it happens. “I believe in my abilities to ______ completely.” Fill in the blank with something you do believe in, and something you don’t believe yet but desire.

Write down as many positive affirmations about anything, that you know you need to tell yourself!

Each morning or whenever you’re feeling down on yourself, take out your affirmations, look in the mirror and read, with conviction, one or more to yourself. Repeat the affirmations out loud, while looking into your own eyes in the mirror, and feel the truth of each statement.

End the affirmation session with the statement “I love and respect myself” while looking deeply into your own eyes! This may be difficult at first, but do it every day and it will become easier and easier as your self-esteem builds – “You Deserve Success”!


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