Perhaps you know someone who is a high-achiever who suffers from anxiety and doubts themselves; the truth is, almost all of us do at some time or another. 

You may recognize some of these symptoms of the “Imposter Syndrome” or “Imposter Phenomenon” — and likely have experienced some, if not all, of them at one time or another. 

If you have suffered from:

You have experiened imposter syndrome, that negative feedback loop that tells us we are not worthy or capable of success. 

These thoughts and feelings plague most people at some point in their life; including successful men and women of all ages, races, and orientations. 

This pervasive negativity can grow quickly, if you don’t get it under control, as soon as possible.

Imposter phenomenon is triggerted by from your subconcious mind and brings irratoinal fears, doubts and phobias to the concious mind where it festers and pulls you down. 

Recognize the signs, and take action before it can negatively impact your professional and personal life. 

These feelings can isolate you and can keep you from making connections with the leaders in your field and to continue growing your knowledge and skills. 

This isolation will destroy your relationship with those most important to your development, and can make you feel like a complete and total fraud.

Here are five points about “Imposter Syndrome” which may help you avoid negative self-talk:

Many people suffer from negative thoughts, however you can learn to compartmentalize those thoughts which are making you doubt your abilities, achievements,and accomplishments. 

Always focus on the positives and celebrate the successes you have achieved.

If you have deep rooted irrational fears of phobias, these can often be eliminated through Hypnotherapy or Meditation sessions with a professional therapist. 

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