Exploring Neuroticism


Neuroticism is a personality trait, which is characterized by a frequent tendency to experience negative emotions such as anxiety, worry, and sadness. 

It is estimated that Neuroticism is present in about 30-40% of the general population. 

It has been shown that excess worry and elevated stress levels contribute to an increased risk of developing mental health issues, such as depression, irrational fear, and anxiety disorders. 

One way to help reduce excess worry, stress, and anxiety, is hypnotherapy, which uses hypnosis to access and modify unwanted responses to external events or negative thoughts. Hypnotherapy has been found to be effective for the treatment of a wide range of mental health issues, including excess anxiety, stress, and trauma. 

In hypnotherapy, the therapist induces a state of trance while the client is deeply relaxed. While in hypnotic trance, the therapist helps the client to explore and modify unconscious thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to the anxiety and stress. For example, the therapist may suggest new, more adaptive ways of thinking, or help the individual develop coping strategies to manage stress and negative emotions.

Hypnotherapy can be particularly effective for discovering, understanding, and addressing the root cause of the client’s high anxiety and stress levels using techniques such as deep breathing routines, hypnotic suggestions, and visualization techniques. 

Additionally, hypnotherapy can help individuals to develop a more positive outlook and increase their resilience to stress. The use of visualization techniques, for example, allows the client to imagine themselves successfully navigating challenging situations, which helps them feel more confident and less anxious when facing similar situations in the future.