Alcohol Cessation

Alcohol Cessation

Overcome alcohol addiction by removing the desire to be in an alcohol-induced state.

Alcohol Aversion

Alcohol Aversion

Turn off drinking for life with the Alcohol Aversion Hypnosis Session

Alcohol Association

Alcohol Association

The unconscious association between evening and alcohol are targeted in this session.

Adrenaline Addiction

Adrenaline Addiction

If you are always on the go, seeking excitement and thrills, rushing about because you left everything to the last minute, you may have an Adrenaline Addiction. 

Is Mindfulness the Key to Success?

When we embrace Mindfulness practices into our daily lives, it allows us to move closer towards that sense of “inner peace” which we all wish to achieve. To practice mindfulness, we must become more “present” with our emotions such as stress, pain, anxiety, and learn to control and combine them into a mindful life. With […]

Overcoming Self Doubt and Finding a Positive Outlook on Life

One of the hardest things that some people ever do is transform themselves from a person full of self-doubt to a self-assured person that believes in themselves. But the truth is that no matter where you are in life right now, no matter how many mistakes you’ve made, opportunities you’ve passed up, or what’s happened […]

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem Today

Self Esteem Self-esteem is a powerful force but it can be damaged easily, in an instant. When your self-esteem is high, you feel more resilient and are less vulnerable to anxiety. Unfortunately, it can be a challenge to improve our self-esteem, especially if you’ve experienced setbacks in the past. Here are five simple ways to […]

Boost Your Self Confidence

Believe in Yourself

5 Simple ways to help you boost your self-confidence We are all born with a limitless supply of self-confidence, our brains in early life, do not know about limitations or fears or dangers. As we grow older and experience life’s challenges, we soon start to develop a set of limitations and rules, which will determine […]

What is Self-esteem?

Self-esteem is a measure of your internal feelings about who you are and how you see yourself. We generally categorize self-esteem as high or low, with high being the desired level. A high level of self-esteem enables you to accept and love yourself, for who you are, while low self-esteem makes you doubt your abilities […]